Wetter-Warnungen, Nanuz


27.6. 7:18 AM 07:18 – 28.6. 7:00 AM 07:00

Moderate rain very likely to occur at most places with Heavy to very Heavy rain very likely to occur at isolated places with strong surface winds gusting to 40-50 kmph over North Goa and South Goa during next 24 hours. Please follow SDMA guidelines.



26.6. 9:30 PM 21:30 – 27.6. 6:30 PM 18:30

Heavy to very heavy rainfall with extremely heavy falls Heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places over Uttarakhand, Kerala, Mahe, Konkan, Goa,Coastal and South Interior Karnataka, Gujarat state, East Rajasthan, West Madhya Pradesh. Action suggested  Avoid roadway underpasses, drainage ditches, low lying areas and areas where water collects – they can unexpectedly flood or overflow.  Stay away from power lines or electrical wires.  Don’t stay in kuchcha houses during heavy rainfall as it may collapse anytime soon.  Drive carefully.


Nächste 24 Stunden

Weltwetter heute

Höchstwerte & Tiefstwerte weltweit

Min Max

Mein Wetter


Wetter in Goa